Oct 25, 1877 - Sumner County Press
Osborn Items
Excerpted from Page 356 - "Mayfield: Then & Now" - Clark & Kline
Rained every day last week.
The prairie streams were full and ground well saturated.
S. V. Walton and Miss Mattie Updegraff have returned from their visit to Iowa, both looking improved in appearance. They are glad to get back and their neighbors are pleased to have them home again.
Mr. Barnard is building a residence 16 X 20, one and one-half stories high, with a good cellar. Mr. Roberts is preparing to finish his dwelling with a coat of paint.
The Bellevue school will open about the first of November.
On the evening of the 13th last, one of the most violent wind and rain storms of the season passed over this township. Mr. Rose's house was moved off the foundation, and 'Squire Houk's stable and granary were unroofed and many stacks of hay and grain rolled over. The storm caught a wagon load of delegates who were returning from the Republican Convention, and for a time they were completely waterlogged. Fitzgerald tried to sing the 101 Psalm, to the tune of Old Hundred, but choked on the water. The storm raged with such fury that the team was repeatedly stopped, blinded by the wind, rain, and darkness. The party finally reached A. Robinson's where they filled up with hot tea and waited for the storm to abate.
There is some dissatisfaction manifested on the part of Democrats because Mr. Thralls was not nominated by the Republican convention for sheriff. Our own candidate seems to feel badly because he did not get even a complimentary vote. Gentlemen delegates from Osborn, why was it thus? But I never did hear of a convention that pleased every one.